Broadstone Gardening

Female Gardener For Broadstone Area

Garden Tidying

Tidying your garden throughout the seasons is crucial for maintaining its health and beauty. Here are tips on tidying your garden for each season in the UK:


  1. Clear Debris:

    • Remove fallen leaves, twigs, and other debris that accumulated over winter.
    • Rake and aerate the soil to promote healthy growth.
  2. Pruning:

    • Prune winter-damaged branches and deadwood.
    • Trim overgrown shrubs and bushes before new growth begins.
  3. Weeding:

    • Start early with weed removal to prevent them from establishing deep roots.
    • Mulch beds to suppress weed growth.
  4. Plant Inspection:

    • Check plants for signs of diseases or pests.
    • Divide and transplant perennials as needed.
  5. Soil Testing:

    • Test the soil and amend it with compost or fertilisers based on the results.


  1. Watering:

    • Water plants deeply in the morning or evening to reduce evaporation.
    • Mulch around plants to retain soil moisture.
  2. Deadheading:

    • Remove spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming.
    • Trim back leggy growth to maintain a compact shape.
  3. Weeding:

    • Continue regular weeding to keep the garden tidy.
    • Mulch around plants to suppress weed growth and retain moisture.
  4. Lawn Care:

    • Regularly mow the lawn, adjusting the height as needed.
    • Water the lawn deeply in the morning or evening.
  5. Pest Control:

    • Monitor plants for signs of pests and take appropriate action.
    • Introduce beneficial insects or use natural remedies where possible.


  1. Leaf Removal:

    • Regularly clear fallen leaves to prevent them from smothering the lawn and plants.
    • Use collected leaves for compost or mulch.
  2. Cutting Back:

    • Trim back perennials and remove spent annuals.
    • Cut back overgrown or dead vegetation to prepare for winter.
  3. Bulb Planting:

    • Plant spring-flowering bulbs in the autumn for a burst of colour in the next season.
  4. Lawn Care:

    • Aerate the lawn to improve soil structure.
    • Continue mowing until grass growth slows down.
  5. Composting:

    • Add autumn garden waste to the compost pile.
    • Turn the compost to speed up the decomposition process.


  1. Protect Plants:

    • Mulch around the base of plants to insulate roots from winter cold.
    • Wrap vulnerable plants with horticultural fleece if frost is expected.
  2. Tool Maintenance:

    • Clean and sharpen garden tools before storing them for the winter.
    • Drain and store hoses to prevent freezing.
  3. Bird Feeding:

    • Provide food and water for birds during the winter months.
    • Clean bird feeders regularly to prevent the spread of disease.
  4. Planning:

    • Use the winter months to plan and design changes for the upcoming gardening season.
    • Order seeds and plan new plantings.
  5. Garden Structure Inspection:

    • Inspect fences, trellises, and other garden structures for damage.
    • Repair or replace as needed.

By following these seasonal tips, you can keep your garden in good shape year-round and create an environment where plants can thrive. Adjust these guidelines based on your specific garden’s needs and local climate conditions.
